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LightBook is compliant with the iCalendar standard and is natively compatible with all calendar systems that adopt the same standard. Integration is easily done by setting up your own email account to send invitations and receive responses to calendar invitations.

LightBook is a SaaS (Subscription as a Service) platform and the information is saved in the cloud by default. However there is the possibility of subscribing to the additional "Enterprise" service whose peculiarity is to have it installed and running on the computers inside the organization with the highest level of security and privacy. The display of titles and participants, both in SaaS and On Premise formulas, is governed by levels of privacy for which it is possible to view this information fully, partially or not at all as needed.

Yes, users outside the organization can also access the platform. LightBook allows users to be profiled at multiple levels of actions within the platform with different permissions to read, write and modify events. The first of these levels is called "Guest", useful to be notified about future events to participate in only.

Yes, LightBook can be used to manage corporate assets such as cars, parking lots or equipment. The module called "Desk", although born with the intention of managing single workstations in hybrid spaces, is easily adaptable to any tool or space that can be registered or managed even through simple QR codes.

With LightBook it is possible to quota entrances by booking appointments at scheduled days and times and show them with an agenda view on the devices available to the public with the "Signage" module. The "View Point" module, in addition, if associated with a multimedia touch device, can manage queues by issuing reservation numbers on site upon arrival.

Yes, LightBook can manage hybrid shared work spaces such as co-working, desks, workstations and areas. The "Room" and "Desk" modules offer maximum flexibility on the definition of physical spaces and their use upon reservation.

LightBook modules (Room, Desk, Signage) are sold on an annual subscription basis for each individual resource. So if in my organization, for example, I have 3 (three) meeting rooms to manage, I will subscribe to the "Room" module with quantity 3 (three). The "People" module, on the other hand, allows the management of up to a maximum number of 200 people; for higher quantities I will have to subscribe with quantity 2 (two). Finally, the "View Point" module is not subject to quantities. For more information please visit the "Pricing" page here: https://www.lightbook.eu/en/Pricing.

License management takes place through the dedicated proprietary portal (https://my.silentwave.eu/) owned by SilentWave, the IT company that designed and developed the LightBook product. From this portal it is possible to perform all the necessary operations on the purchased products.

There are currently no public APIs available, but there is a set of WebAPIs in the development roadmap. If a customer have a more urgent and strict need, we will reschedule the roadmap to deliver the set as soon as possible.

LightBook guarantees support for the 802.1X network authentication protocol exclusively on certified hardware compatible with the "Room" module (for more information please visit the "Pricing" page here: https://www.lightbook.eu/en/Pricing).

LightBook is a software and hardware system that can be managed remotely. For any problem, SilentWave, the IT company that designed and developed the LightBook product, offers a proprietary online ticketing system (https://support.silentwave.eu/) where it is possible to send feedback and requests for assistance that will be processed within 24-hour.

LightBook allows the management of the certified devices remotely. Through the online platform it is possible to perform reboot operations, installation updates, display of operating status and capture of screenshots of the current activity to provide assistance to users.

Yes, it is possible to use hardware or physical devices already existing in the company, specifically for the LightBook modules "Signage" and "View Point", as an application for Smart TV compatible with Apple TV and Android TV is also provided. For the "Room" module, on the other hand, a check is required and SilentWave, the IT company that designed and developed the LightBook product, is available to do a test session with the customer.

Yes, there is a LightBook application, which can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store or from Android Google Play. Within the app, if enabled by the their organization, users will find the "Room", "Desk" and "People" modules.

Yes, it is possible to integrate the most used video conference call systems such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Meet and Jitsi Meet already in use in the company to the "Room" module and it is also possible to have more than a single provider to choose, meeting by meeting.

LightBook provides a hierarchy of users starting from a "SuperAdmin", which is responsible for the entire platform at an operational level, including also the financial aspects of purchase and renewal. The individual purchased modules can be associated to an "Admin" profile user with specific functions and delegations from the SuperAdmin. Each module is sold with nr. 1 (one) administrator user included. If the organization needs more administrator users, it is possible to purchase as many additional roles as necessary by subscribing to the LightBook Manager functionality for as many users as required (for more information please visit the "Pricing" page here: https://www.lightbook.eu/en/Pricing).